Industrial style in home decor

industrial-home-decor-ideasPerhaps you have heard about Industrial style in interior design. Some people are sceptic, while experts claim, that this home design is very popular in recent years. Architects and decorators consider it a challenge and real interior game. More

How to save money on doing the laundry

how-to-save-moneu-on-doing-loundryMaybe you think that doing the laundry is not draining your budget drastically. Well, you are partly right, but it is a frequent procedure which you run several times a week. You can actually save some extra pounds with little changes. Read on to see how. More

Decor that saves you money on your heating bill

Decor that saves you money on your heating billWarming up your house during the winter is a lot easier when you have a heat-saving decoration. Air leaks caused by unsealed spots in your house end up with you paying more money on heating bills. Well, fortunately there are some very smart ways to make your home warmer during the long winter. More

How to choose a baby crib

How to choose a baby cribSoon, you are going to have your first baby and you must buy a baby crib? Of course, you want to make the best choice possible for your child! That’s why you need to know some essentials – check out these tips: More

Vegan home doesn’t mean only vegan meals

Vegan home doesn't mean only vegan meals

Being vegan doesn’t mean only eating raw food consistent of fruits, vegetables and other products excluding the animal-made ones. Being vegan is a philosophy of good will, a way of peaceful life and harmonic relationship with your environment and the nature. Vegans strive to a better, greener, ecological lifestyle. You can buy all kinds of vegan products in the supermarket, but why not try make it alone?! Here is how to accomplish it. More

Check out these practical applications of black pepper

Applications of black pepper

Black pepper is cultivated for its fruit. It is usually dried and after that used as a spice. The homeland of black pepper is South India. It is also cultivated in other in tropical regions. Currently Vietnam is the world’s largest producer and exporter of black pepper. Check out some really beneficial properties of black pepper: More

The healthiest foods in the world

The healthiest foods in the world

German magazine Focus and the British newspaper Daily Mirror published independently of one another which are the most nutritious foods for our health. Both editions came to the general conclusion that modern people should rely mostly on these foods: More

Being a friend with your boss – pros and cons

Being a friend with your boss - pros and cons

The boss, this important figure can be quite friendly. The question is how far to stretch your friendly relationship with your boss, and whether there are more pros or cons arising from your friendship with your boss. Actually, friendship with the boss is double-edged sword. More

7 genius health hacks

7 genius health hacks

Healthy Lifestyle

Everybody wants to live a healthier life. However, not all of us manage to do it. The secret to lead a healthier lifestyle is to do small things every day and be persistent. Here are seven genius health hacks you can use to make your life a bit better. More

Signs that your choice of a diet is wrong

Signs that your choice of a diet is wrong

You want to get rid of some pounds? In order to achieve success and to lose weight successfully, you need to be realistic. In case you want to enjoy long-term results, there is no place for any absurd restrictions.

Here are the signs that your choice of a diet is wrong: More

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