How to clean your antiques?

clean-your-antiques1Needless to say, antiques are precious pieces of furniture and as the time passes, they get more and more valuable. If you are lucky to have such items at your home or you are planning to redecorate the property and you opted for a vintage style, you’d better take the old furniture out of the basement and give them another chance to serve you.


Must-have products for a maintaining a clean house

House cleaning product on wood table

House cleaning

Although the market is flooded with different cleaning products, it is hard to tell which one is worth our money and which one is not. If you read the labels carefully, you will see that the ingredients of the majority of cleaning supplies are pretty much the same,


9 Things to do before hiring cleaning professionals

9-Things-to-do-before-hiring-cleaning-professionals-1Cleaning procedures around the house are rarely regarded as pleasant or enjoyable. On the contrary – most people dread to think about spending their day off in sanitising the bathroom or scrubbing the kitchen with hazardous commercial detergents. Of course, More