What interior crimes you may be committing while decorating your home office?

20-Inspiring-Home-Office-Decor-IdeasMany people dream of having their own home office – who would not love the idea of working at a cosy and nice place provided with the comfort of your own house? However, when they have finally found the right place and budget they tend to ignore some essential concepts that should be carefully considered in order to make the best out of your space. More

Kitchen knives – how to clean and dispose of them safely

Kitchen-knives-how-to-clean-and-dispose-of-them-safelyWe use kitchen knives every single day. Therefore these tools should be regularly cleaned and carefully sharpened in order to serve us as long as possible. Knives should be also maintained bacteria and rust free. More

5 products that help you remove mould at home

collage-2016-04-04You can`t find a homeowner who does not want to have an ideally clean home. However, maintaining the desired level of cleanliness can sometimes be not only time-consuming but also overwhelming and tedious task. More