Industrial style in home decor

industrial-home-decor-ideasPerhaps you have heard about Industrial style in interior design. Some people are sceptic, while experts claim, that this home design is very popular in recent years. Architects and decorators consider it a challenge and real interior game. However, many people still find it too rough and uncomfortable. So, before forming your final opinion, read on about the characteristics of Industrial style. Then you will say if you are ready to renovate your home by using Industrial style details.

  • Features of Industrial style – this type of home decor appeared in the 19th century. This was the time of mass abandonment of old factories and farms. After their mass sale, those people who bought them transformed these places in their homes. So, it’s logical, that the Industrial style relies on naturalism in the full sense of the word – raw materials and dark colors.
  • Generally the home that is furnished in Industrial style is a studio. The space there characterises with appropriate zoning. Basic materials, that are used there, are glass, brick, concrete, metal, ceramics. By the way, these materials don’t gather too much dirtiness, so even with less London house cleaning efforts, you will maintain good level of hygiene and order. If you’re not too messy, simple dusting and hoovering will be enough.
  • Leading accents in the house are the brick wall without additional plaster and iron elements. As a result of increased steel and iron manufacturing across the world, industrial products and metals are easy to find and widespread. They are used in producing lighting fixtures, cabinets and also for structural parts in roofs and columns. Nowadays the usage of wrought iron as ornamental element is really modern and looks wonderful in the contemporary home. When it comes to Industrial style, you may also find brushed nickel, copper and cast iron metals. They bring organic and industrial charm to your sweet home. The ceilings in the house furnished in Industrial style are high. Light comes inside from wide windows with iron frames and lamps are left only with bulbs. In case chandeliers are used, they are made from metal.
  • Often open plumbing pipes remain in the interior, together with ducts for electrical cables. The furniture, that is typical for Industrial style follows the principles of modern minimalism. Pieces of furniture have strict and clear lines. You may notice separate art elements in the decor. Their purpose is to diversify the ambience.
  • According to professional designers and architects, this style is among the leading trends. The reason lies in its simplicity. Here the emphasis is on practical and functional purpose of the home. There is no need for unnecessary things, such as fluffy carpets, that gather microbes and dust. This eliminates the need of London carpet cleaning procedures, which is wonderful for many people. The home is usually spacious enough to eliminate the need for color solutions, that are required in small houses. The Industrial style is unpretentious and extremely accessible. You can furnish your home in an Industrial style with finds from garage sales, flea markets and shops with second-hand furniture. Furthermore – the lack of plaster and colored walls decreases the need to repair the house.
  • In case you are interested in Industrial style, before taking the final decision to renovate your house, you have to determine which are the elements of this style, that you really like. For this purpose you may visit some buildings that have a historic past. This way, you will discover creative ideas you may not know about. You have to be aware, that details like exposed brick walls, steel columns without drywall wraps and timber roof trusses are widespread in warehouse and manufacturing districts. For instance, you may consider traveling to your local downtown city to check out if there is a restoration of some beautiful older buildings. Nowadays in many cities across the world there is one modern trend – full restoration of warehouses, barns and manufacturing facilities into office buildings and swanky condos.
  • In case you have already decided to renovate your home by bringing in some industrial details, you may try to find architectural focal points and to give them a new appearance. For example, accent walls and fireplaces can be renovated with the help of industrial exposed materials. The main target is to create a finished look that is industrial inspired. When it comes to the rest of your room, you may rely on the modern and clean look. As for building materials, concrete is a wonderful finish to work with, because it is super functional structurally and may be easily polished for a high gloss. The other option is to leave the concrete matte or unfinished in order to achieve rustic appeal. Experts in interior design advise people to leave nailheads and seams exposed. According to them, this brings out the industrial attractiveness of this flexible building material. Concrete is really versatile, it can be used on sinks, bathtubs, floors, countertops, fireplaces and more.
  • Besides its fans and admirers, Industrial style has many opponents. They find Industrial style uncomfortable and repulsive. Enemies of this home decor claim, that space with similar interior creates a sense of unfinished repairs. Moreover – rough materials and lack of plaster make the room cooler and uncomfortable for living.

Now you are well informed when it comes to features of Industrial style. You have already got acquainted with its typical details and elements. However, in order to form your final opinion, you have to take a look at some pictures of homes, professionally designed in this style.



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