Which colours are not suitable for the kid’s room

wich-colours-are-not-suitable-for-kids-roomWhen you decorate your child’s room, you should think from your kid’s perspective, whо will spend most of her or his time there. See which colours are inappropriate for the kid’s room decor and what are their alternatives: 

  • Red – red is definitely impressive and stylish, but not a good colour for the nursery, because it has the ability to affect the psyche of the child. It is possible for the kid to become too nervous or even aggressive, to have tough sleeping, etc. However, if you are a fan of that hue, then your local domestic cleaners London recommend you use it as an accent in the furnishing but not as the main colour.
  • Baby pink – it may seem as the perfect colour for the children’s room of the little girl, but in fact its excessive hue has become a cliché. In case you want to be different, use a different shade of pink, or find your way to the next colour from the colour palette, such as lavender, lilac, purple.
  • Dark blue – although the blue colour is preferred for nursery decor for a boy, the dark shades should not be used, because they are cold. It is possible this to affect the child and make him/her more closed and quiet. If you like blue, then you’d better replace it with its jolly version. Use the hints of turquoise or combine lime with sky blue.
  • Bright yellow – yellow brings smiles and joy. What makes it bad is its saturation. At some point, bright yellow makes the eyes tired. So to conceal its impact, combine it with gray or include it as a small part of the interior. Why not even a yellow rug? It will need regular carpet cleaning London but this should not bother you.
  • Brown – People rarely choose brown when it comes to the decor of a nursery. That colour is too restrained and is more suitable for adults than for a child. But in a combination with green, you can create outstanding themes for interiors of the nursery – the animals of the forest, jungle, world of Africa, etc.

Do not give up on a single colour if it looks inappropriate at first glance! A slight change in its nuance or proper combination with other colours can turn it into the perfect hue for the particular occasion.

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