Forget about expensive detergents for flooring, but try this!

Forget about expensive detergents for flooring but try thisThe flooring in our homes needs frequent cleaning. The market has a very wide selection of products – from universal, with which we can clean all surfaces at home to specialized that it is better to use with gloves. If you want to prepare your own detergent – non-toxic and natural, see the following suggestions: More

Autumn cleaning for lazy people

Autumn cleaning for lazy peopleMany people regard cleaning activities as a tedious and thankless task and the worst of all is that as soon as you have thoroughly cleaned the house, the other family members or the pets make a mess again. No matter if you are pressed for time or you just dread to think about spending your day off performing time consuming house cleaning errands, below you will find some useful tips you can use. Autumn is the time when you have to prepare your house for the winter. Here are a few tips that definitely work: More

How to get rid of the smell in the kitchen

How to get rid of the smell in the kitchenPreparation of delicious dishes is your favourite hobby and everyone knows that you are an awesome cook? That’s great but your guests and friends see only the end result of your efforts, while you are supposed to wash the dirty dishes and make the kitchen spick and span, waiting for you to prepare the next mouth watering dish. Apart from the mess, you also have to deal with the lingering smell of food that spreads all over the place. Sometimes, eliminating the unpleasant odours is more difficult than cleaning the entire house. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use the next time you make a dinner. More

Vegan home doesn’t mean only vegan meals

Vegan home doesn't mean only vegan meals

Being vegan doesn’t mean only eating raw food consistent of fruits, vegetables and other products excluding the animal-made ones. Being vegan is a philosophy of good will, a way of peaceful life and harmonic relationship with your environment and the nature. Vegans strive to a better, greener, ecological lifestyle. You can buy all kinds of vegan products in the supermarket, but why not try make it alone?! Here is how to accomplish it. More