Check out these practical applications of black pepper

Applications of black pepper

Black pepper is cultivated for its fruit. It is usually dried and after that used as a spice. The homeland of black pepper is South India. It is also cultivated in other in tropical regions. Currently Vietnam is the world’s largest producer and exporter of black pepper. Check out some really beneficial properties of black pepper: More

The healthiest foods in the world

The healthiest foods in the world

German magazine Focus and the British newspaper Daily Mirror published independently of one another which are the most nutritious foods for our health. Both editions came to the general conclusion that modern people should rely mostly on these foods: More

Which floor coverings are appropriate for the bathroom?

Bathroom flooring ideas

Bathroom flooring? Seems like there is just one answer to that question. Indeed you have much more choice options. According to the space and the atmosphere you want to achieve you can choose between different tiles, artificial and natural stones. What is important in the bathroom? More

Being a friend with your boss – pros and cons

Being a friend with your boss - pros and cons

The boss, this important figure can be quite friendly. The question is how far to stretch your friendly relationship with your boss, and whether there are more pros or cons arising from your friendship with your boss. Actually, friendship with the boss is double-edged sword. More