Linoleum flooring – advantages and disadvantages

Are you still wondering what type of flooring you should install in your house? Well, before making the big step you may consider making a research on the different types of flooring materials. More

7 genius health hacks

7 genius health hacks

Healthy Lifestyle

Everybody wants to live a healthier life. However, not all of us manage to do it. The secret to lead a healthier lifestyle is to do small things every day and be persistent. Here are seven genius health hacks you can use to make your life a bit better. More

Cork flooring – advantages and disadvantages

Cork flooring – advantages and disadvantages

Cork flooring is one of the most extravagant flooring materials available on the market. It is considered a relatively new developed material even though it has been used since the 19th century. Cork is very realistic and natural. For those of you who have already decided they want to install cork flooring, there are some advantages and disadvantages to consider. More

Let’s compare ceramic and porcelain tiles – similarities and differences

Let’s compare ceramic and porcelain tiles – similarities and differences

Are you having a dilemma as to whether ceramic or porcelain tiles are more appropriate for your home? In point of fact, many people think porcelain and ceramics are absolutely identical. Well, that is not true and you will find the explanation below. More